Commissioners' Meeting Room
124 West Elm Street
Graham, NC 27253
Board Members Present:
  • Chairman John Paisley Jr
  • Vice-Chair Steve Carter
  • Commissioner William "Bill" T. Lashley
  • Commissioner Pamela Thompson
  • Commissioner Ed Priola
  • Commissioner Kelly Allen

  • Moved by:Vice-Chair Carter
    Seconded by:Commissioner Lashley

Chairman Paisley presented Commissioner Lashley with a plaque in recognition of his service on the Board over the past four years.

Commissioner Lashley shared that he was honored by the citizens of Alamance County for electing him to do business on their behalf.  He commented that he had been fortunate to work with some terrific folks in the county departments and the county management team.  Commissioner Lashley thanked everyone on his behalf and the citizens of Alamance County for their hard work.

The Honorable Meredith Edwards, Clerk of Court, administered the oath of office to Commissioner John Paisley, Jr.

The Honorable Meredith Edwards, Clerk of Court, administered the oath of office to Commissioner Ed Priola.

The Honorable Meredith Edwards, Clerk of Court, administered the oath of office to Commissioner Kelly Allen.

The Honorable Doug Green, District Court Judge, administered the oath of office to Commissioner Thompson.

The Honorable Doug Green, District Court Judge, administered the oath of office to David Spruill, Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisor.

The Honorable Doug Green, District Court Judge, administered the oath of office to David Barber, Register of Deeds.



The floor was opened for nominations for Chair of the Board.

Commissioner Thompson nominated Vice-Chair Carter.  That nomination failed due to lack of a second.

Commissioner Allen, seconded by Commissioner Priola, moved for the nomination of Commissioner Paisley as Chair.

Vice-Chair Carter moved to close the nominations.

  • Moved by:Commissioner Priola
    Seconded by:Commissioner Allen

    Commissioner Paisley was re-elected as Chairman by a vote of 4-1, with Chairman Paisley, Vice-Chair Carter, and Commissioners Allen and Priola voting in favor. Commissioner Thompson opposed the motion.


The floor was opened to nominations for Vice-Chair.

Chairman Paisley, seconded by Commissioner Allen, moved for the nomination of Commissioner Carter.

Nominations for Vice-Chair were closed.

  • Moved by:Chairman Paisley
    Seconded by:Commissioner Allen

    Commissioner Carter was re-elected as Vice-Chair.



County Manager York asked the Board to appoint Aimee Perkins as the Interim Tax Assessor.  She said there were a few outstanding appeals left over from the Board of Equalization and Review (BOER). County Manager York continued that a named Tax Assessor was necessary for BOER to hear those appeals. She introduced Aimee Perkins, who worked as a tax assistant; and was willing to serve as Tax Assessor on an interim basis.

  • Moved by:Vice-Chair Carter
    Seconded by:Chairman Paisley

    Appointment of Aimee Perkins as Interim Tax Assessor.




Approval of the second reading of the Life Star Emergency Services Franchise Agreement.


Rudy Cartassi, Rad Range's owner, addressed comments about his gun range at the last meeting.  He said there was a lot of misinformation and false statements about the gun range.  Mr. Cartassi said he had information and camera footage that showed customers checking into his gun range after noon on Sundays.  He estimated the sound from his gun range to be about 70 dB. He alleged that the person complaining about gun noise was the same person flying a Cessna multiple times over the gun range.

Richard Clark, a gun range member, spoke that he had been a member of the gun range at the location since it started over 20 years ago.  He said he should have more reasons to complain than anyone since he owned the three closest buildings to the gun range.  He mentioned that one of his employees, also a tenant, had lived in one of the houses he owned for two years.  Mr. Clark indicated that he never complained of gun noises or shattered windows.  Mr. Clark claimed there were several exaggerations about gun noise at the last meeting.  He said he had studied and taught acoustics at the college level. He mentioned that he had written for national publications.

Henry Vines, a Snow Camp resident, welcomed the two newest Commissioners.  He said he looked forward to working with everyone over the next few years. Mr. Vines asked the Board to keep the citizens and the taxpayers in mind when making decisions.


No report given.


No report given.


Commissioner Thompson shared that she had the opportunity to visit Davidson County during a multi-county sting operation with the Invictus Task Force.  She said she was proud of all the Sheriffs and their agencies.  Commissioner Thompson expressed that she wanted body cameras for the Sheriff's Office.  She continued that many municipalities had body cameras and did not understand why the county did not.   She warned that body cameras would save the county in lawsuits.  Commissioner Thompson requested that body cameras for the Sheriff's Office be discussed on the next agenda.  She said she had obtained figures from Sheriff Johnson and provided them to County Manager York.  She mentioned that she was sick of crime and that body cameras would benefit law enforcement.

Commissioner Allen spoke that she was honored to have been chosen to serve out the remainder of Craig Turner's term. She thanked the Haw River May Pro Tem and the town staff that came out to support her.  She thanked Representative Ross for swearing her in. Commissioner Allen said she planned to work just as hard for all the residents as she did for Haw River.

Commissioner Priola spoke that it was an honor to be on the Board and that he would have a lot more to say at the beginning of the new year.  He wanted everyone to know that his door was always open.

Vice-Chair Carter spoke that former Commissioner Lashley's late father, the original Bill Lashley, would have been proud of Commissioner Lashley's service to the citizens of Alamance County. He said former Commissioner Lashley was dedicated during his four-year tenure to the budget and other issues for which he should be commended.  Vice-Chair Carter welcomed the two new Commissioners.

Chairman Paisley said he looked forward to serving with the Board.  He described the positivity the two newest members would bring to the Board.  He agreed with Vice-Chair Carter's comments about former Commissioner Lashley and that he would be missed.  Chairman Paisley recognized the Board of Education Members present at that meeting.


Vice-Chair Carter, seconded by Commissioner Allen, moved to adjourn the meeting.  The motion carried unanimously.

There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 10:11 A.M.


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