Commissioners' Meeting Room
124 West Elm Street
Graham, NC 27253
Board Members Present:
  • Chairman John Paisley Jr
  • Vice-Chair Steve Carter
  • Commissioner William "Bill" T. Lashley
  • Commissioner Pamela Thompson
  • Commissioner Craig Turner

  • Moved by:Chairman Paisley
    Seconded by:Vice-Chair Carter

    Chairman Paisley, seconded by Vice-Chair Carter, moved to remove the following items from the agenda: Item 6c. Approval of Sale of Easements for DOT Right-of-Way, Item 6d. Tax Refunds & Releases, and Item 7c. Acceptance of Bid for Green Level Training Center/Sewer Project until a later date.



Skye Sullivan, Director of the Alamance County Family Justice Center (FJC), introduced some of its agency partners that were in attendance: Elon Police Chief Kelly Blackwelder, Graham Police Chief Kristy Baker, Mebane Police Chief Mitch McKinney, Susan Watson, Executive Director of the Women's Resource Center, Paige Holloman, Voices Committee Chair, and LaTawnya Hall, Elder Abuse Services Coordinator.  Ms. Sullivan recognized Linda Bruton, Executive Director of Family  Abuse Services, Miriam Torres, Director of Housing, Sheriff Terry Johnson, Major David Sykes, and interns Sydney Lisak and Hailey Parker. Ms. Sullivan read a proclamation recognizing the month of October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month.


No public comment speakers.

  • Moved by:Vice-Chair Carter
    Seconded by:Commissioner Lashley


Special Budget Work Session Minutes of June 12, 2024

Special Budget Work Session Minutes of June 14, 2024

Regular Minutes of August 5, 2024



*Removed from the consent agenda to a future meeting*


*Removed from the consent agenda to a future meeting*


Sheriff Terry Johnson presented a request for six new bailiffs.  He continued that as of January 2024, there were eight regular operating courts. In Spring 2024, that increased to twelve operating courts, additional magistrate courts, and H and I felonies courts.  He indicated that staffing had become inadequate with vacations and sick leave.  Sheriff Johnson noted that they have had to pull deputies off patrol and investigations to cover the needed bailiffs for courts when other bailiffs are off on vacation or sick leave.  He explained that the January 2025 court operations would have three additional courts, including the new fifth district court judge, the new drug court, and an additional H and I felony court.  With fifteen operating courtrooms, Sheriff Johnson reported that left a shortage of bailiffs.  He said it took about eight weeks to complete investigations on new hires.  He indicated that, with the addition of six new bailiffs, they would have self-sufficient court operations and eliminate the need to pull personnel from other divisions of the Sheriff's Office. 

Lieutenant Kyle McPherson explained the current process and how the increased number of operating courts has impacted finding enough bailiffs to fill these holes.  He mentioned that he and his sergeant were running the courtrooms.  He emphasized that it could become a security issue when they brought inmates over from the jail and needed two bailiffs in those courtrooms.

Sheriff Johnson said he was asking for six bailiffs; however, if the state team came in, they would say they needed more than six bailiffs.

Commissioner Thompson asked whether the bailiff shortage had been going on or was it due to the upcoming courthouse expansion project.  Lieutenant McPherson answered that he took over the courts last December, which was one of the first problems he noticed.  He has been trying to add more people to cover the shortages.

Captain Mantreese Dotson spoke about the sign-on bonus and its effectiveness in increasing interest in those vacant positions.  She explained they had 70 vacancies in July and hired 14 people using the sign-on bonus.  She said their office was receiving 30-40 applications per day.  Captain Dotson mentioned that the Board had approved 20 hard-to-fill positions.  She reported that 13 detention officers and one deputy are waiting to know if they will be offered the sign-on bonus.

Commissioner Lashley asked about the salaries for the six new bailiffs.  Sheriff Johnson estimated about $400,000.  County Manager York said it was about $450,000 with an annual salary of about $51,000 per bailiff.

Vice-Chair Carter asked whether a budget amendment was needed.  County Manager York answered yes, and the Board needed to determine where the funds would come from.

Chairman Paisley asked about the number of bailiffs classified as part-time and full-time. Lieutenant McPherson answered there were ten full-time and seven part-time with one of those retiring at the end of the year.  Chairman Paisley clarified that the part-time bailiffs would not be eligible for the $10,000 sign-on bonus.  Sheriff Johnson said that part-time does not receive the sign-on bonus.

Chairman Paisley asked County Manager York if she had a recommendation.  County Manager York suggested reclassifying 3 of the vacant detention officer positions so that no additional funding was added to that budget and the number of positions would not increase.  She emphasized that Sheriff Johnson was hesitant to do this because he did not want to lose those positions, and she could not guarantee that they would be restored in the next fiscal budget.

Commissioner Turner suggested hiring four new bailiffs and reclassifying two positions, and at budget, reassessing those two positions as a reclassification.

Sheriff Johnson sought clarification on whether the Board had approved the positions and the additional ten for the sign-on bonuses.  He said his office was currently processing those fourteen people.

  • Moved by:Commissioner Turner
    Seconded by:Chairman Paisley

    Approval of the hiring of four new bailiffs and reclassifying two positions in the Sheriff's Office.

  • Moved by:Vice-Chair Carter
    Seconded by:Commissioner Turner

    Approval of the funding allocation for an additional ten more officers under the sign-on bonus program.


Brian Baker, Assistant County Manager, discussed the construction, delivery, and bidding methods.  He thought the Elderly Services Building would be a good project for the design-build method.  He explained that using the design-build, one company would be responsible for all the phases of this project.  Mr. Baker expanded on the benefits of a design-build, which would hold one party accountable for completing this project.  The design-build offered cost-certainty and quicker completion of the project without repeat bidding.  He noted that the county was hurrying to complete this project and shift departments around.  Mr. Baker said there was a set amount to complete this project, and the project could come under the $5 million they have determined.

Mr. Baker said part of the first process was for the Board to approve the design-build method resolution. The second part of this process was to approve the design-build method for this project and define the specific criteria to evaluate this project. 

  • Moved by:Commissioner Turner
    Seconded by:Vice-Chair Carter

    Approval of the resolution authorizing the use of the design-build method policy.  The motion carried 4-1 with Chairman Paisley, Vice-Chair Carter, and Commissioners Lashley and Turner voting in favor.  Commissioner Thompson opposed the motion. 

  • Moved by:Commissioner Turner
    Seconded by:Vice-Chair Carter

    Approval selecting the design-build method for renovating the former Elderly Services Building located at 1946 Martin Street, Burlington.  The motion carried 4-1 with Chairman Paisley, Vice-Chair Carter, and Commissioners Lashley and Turner voting in favor.  Commissioner Thompson opposed the motion.



County Manager York reported on Alamance County's efforts to assist those who Hurricane Helene impacted in the western part of North Carolina.  She said 4 county employees had been deployed, three tractor-trailers were going up with supplies, and Sheriff's deputies had been deployed to Yancey County.


Commissioner Thompson commented that Director LoGuidice was in McDowell County and had provided her with an update on the schools there.  She said she had emailed Donald Reusse with Vaya and Debra Bechtel to check on them since they were in the western part of the state.  She encouraged everyone to pray for people working in crisis situations.  She said she wanted to hold a luncheon for the officers and everyone who worked to track down who was responsible for the threats of a school shooting at ABSS.  She said she was told there was no budget for that.  Commissioner Thompson said somebody had called her about folks entering a daycare beside the diversion center because they did not know which building was which.  She wanted to ensure there was adequate signage for those people to know where to go so they would not go to the childcare center.

Commissioner Lashley announced the Sheriff's Office was holding a "Trunk or Treat" on Tuesday, October 29th. They were accepting donations of candy.

Vice-Chair Carter said he was going to comment about the proximity of the daycare and the Behavioral Health Center, but Commissioner Thompson had covered that.  He asked about the security at the diversion center.  Sherry Hook, Deputy County Manager, answered that they were still working on it.  She said they were utilizing the Sheriff's deputies right now while having conversations with the municipalities about using off-duty police officers.

Chairman Paisley explained the Behavioral Health Center to the audience.

*Commissioner Turner left the meeting at 10:47 am.


11:00 a.m. County Attorney Stevens asked that the Board move into closed session pursuant to North Carolina General Statue 143-318.11 (a)(3), to consult with an attorney employed  or retained by the public body in order to preserve the attorney-client privilege between the attorney and the public body.  The attorney will advise the Board on ongoing legal matters, including the In Re: National Prescription Opiate Litigation (ND Ohio 1;17-md-2804) matter.

Further pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 143-318.11(a)(6), County Attorney Stevens asked the Board to move into closed session  to consider the qualifications, competence, performance, character, fitness, conditions of appointment, or conditions of initial employment of an individual public officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee. 

Chairman Paisley, seconded by Commissioner Lashley, moved to enter closed session.  The motion carried without opposition.

The Board reconvened in open session at 12:17 p.m.


Vice-Chair Carter, seconded by Commissioner Lashley, moved to adjourn the meeting.  The motion carried unanimously.

There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 12:17 p.m.

No Item Selected