Alamance County
Board of Commissioners

Commissioners' Meeting Room
124 West Elm Street
Graham, NC 27253







(Citizens may address the Board for no more than 3 minutes)

For a complete review of the Public Comment Policy, please click here:



Items listed under Consent are generally of a routine nature. The Board may take action to approve/disapprove all items in a single vote. Any item may be withheld from a general action, to be discussed and voted upon separately at the discretion of the Board.



Consideration of the appointment of Tammy Karnes to fill a vacancy left by the recent resignation of Mark Gordon. If appointed, Ms. Karnes will serve out the remainder of that term until June 30, 2026.

Consideration of the reappointment of Nancy “Foxie” Harper to the Alamance County Senior Services Committee.

Consideration of HB McMillan, Jr to another term on the Burlington-Alamance Airport Authority.

The County Commissioners will consider the appointment of Allison Young as a representative who has knowledge, experience, or expertise in preventing domestic violence; consideration of the appointment of Jennifer Brownell to represent ACC as a representative of an institution of higher education.

Consideration of the reappointment of M. Rachel Dimont to the Elon Planning Board/Board of Adjustment as the county’s extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ)member.

Consider the reappointment of Historic Properties Commission member Rodney Cheek to another term on the board. Mr. Cheek’s term expired at the end of 2024 but his application for reappointment came in after the December 2024 deadline.

The Village of Alamance is requesting the appointment of a new Review Officer as prescribed by N.C.G.S. 47-30.2. The review officer to be appointed is Town Administrator Nick Farmerie.



The Board will consider amending the General Fund to increase by $192,127.

Board will consider adopting a reimbursement resolution for the Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system project purchase not to exceed $7,000,000. Initial project costs are currently estimated at $6,200,000.

2025 GCC Application VAWA Law Enforcement -3 year grant to begin October 1, 2025. $100,000.00 for year one, with additional annual awards for year 2 and 3. County Match required at 25%. Office space, volunteer hours, and technology for position will be used as in-kind match. No additional county dollars are being requested for this grant application.

Approve of the county’s ability to act as the fiscal agent and for the Historic Properties Commission to act as the official applicant for an America 250 NC grant.



Consideration of an individual to appoint to the Planning Board out of these 6 applicants who are currently eligible, including Townships represented: Natalie Thacker (Graham), Jeffrey Stevens (Melville), Brandon Martin (Boone Station), Anthony Pierce (Melville), John “Mac” Jordan, Jr. (Thompson) and Max Morgan (Melville). There is only one vacancy to be filled.

This item seeks approval of a design-build contract with Bobbitt Construction for the renovation of the former Elderly Services Building on 1946 Martin Street. The building will be renovated to house the Development Services Center. Bobbitt construction was chosen from a total of seven companies submitting proposals.








No Item Selected