Commissioners' Meeting Room
124 West Elm Street
Graham, NC 27253
Board Members Present:
  • Chairman John Paisley Jr
  • Vice-Chair Steve Carter
  • Commissioner William "Bill" T. Lashley
  • Commissioner Pamela Thompson
Board Members Absent:
  • Commissioner Craig Turner

  • Moved by:Vice-Chair Carter
    Seconded by:Commissioner Lashley


Stephen Sigmon, Director of Central Communication/911 Center, and staff received a proclamation from Chairman Paisley and the Board in recognition of National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week (April 14-20, 2024) and staff.


No public comment speakers wished to be heard.

  • Moved by:Vice-Chair Carter
    Seconded by:Commissioner Lashley



Approval of the revised Budget Resolution for Expenditure of Opioid Settlement Funds for $1,278,060.00 to correct a technical error in one of the authorized strategy amounts in the previously adopted resolution.  A copy of the resolution is set forth hereafter.


Minutes of February 19, 2024

Closed Session Minutes of March 18, 2024


County Manager York presented the proposed capital improvement plan for fiscal year 2025-29 and the fiscal year 2024-25 capital budget. She emphasized that this was just an introduction. She planned to delve deeper into the projects during the special work session on April 22nd at 10:00 a.m.

She said the theme was rebuilding a foundation like the school system had experienced this year.  She continued by saying that they were playing catch-up on facility maintenance.  She noted there were no new large projects in the plan and that all of the projects next year were either deferred maintenance or unfitting spaces to accommodate existing services and state-mandated needs within the justice system.  County Manager York reminded the Board that the capital improvement plan was a multi-year plan of proposed capital projects that also forecasted future spending needs.  She explained that the capital budget was the upcoming year's costs of the capital improvement plan.  She noted that those projects and expenditures require an annual vote from the County Commissioners.  She said even though they favored a five-year plan, the Board was only adopting it annually.

County Manager York shared that the plan was a comprehensive plan to include all of the county’s needs, capital needs, the court system, ABSS, and the Alamance Community College. She shared that by definition, what would be considered capital improvement projects have a cost of $50,000 or more, must have a useful lifespan of 10 years or more, and must meet the definition provided in the presentation.  She mentioned that the budget would be presented and followed by the budget public hearing in June.  She noted that this year, they would adopt the budget and the capital improvement plan at the same time. 

Commissioner Thompson asked about the utility situation with ACC.  County Manager York answered that the increase would be paid out of their operating budget.

Commissioner Thompson asked about a timeline for completing B.EverettJordan (B.E.J.)/Saxapahaw Ball Field.  Brian Baker, Assistant County Manager, answered that it will be ready by next April.

Commissioner Lashley commented that the B.E.J. project was completed through the county's recreation department because the school system was unable to do it. He thanked the recreation department for its work.

Chairman Paisley said this was an excellent CIP presentation.  He acknowledged Dr. Ingle, President of ACC, who attended the meeting. 

Rebecca Crawford, Director of Budget and Management, briefly explained the document provided to the County Commissioners and recognized Jessica Mooty and Alex Norwood for their help in collecting information.


No report given.


County Manager York introduced Sam Hobgood, the new Inspections Director.


Chairman Paisley explained that each County Commissioner was assigned a Committee to serve on for the calendar year.  He gave the Board Members an opportunity to report on their respective committees.

Commissioner Thompson said she had not heard back from the Library Committee on the recent incident that was reported to her.  She said the Library Committee met quarterly and hoped to discuss the book placement issue at their next meeting.

Commissioner Lashley reported on the Recreation & Parks Commission, Board of Health, Alamance County Senior Services Committee, and the Voluntary Agricultural District. 

Vice-Chair Carter reported on PART, ACTA, Link Transit, and the Transportation Advisory Committee. He reported that a study is being done to examine transportation, possibly a proposed consolidation of transportation services. He also reported that, as a member of the ACC Board of Trustees, ACC was building a barn for large veterinary animals.

Chairman Paisley reported on the Oversight Committee, VAYA Board, and the Planning Board.  He gave an update on the proposed indoor shooting range being built in the county. He also reported on the school system projects, specifically the roofing projects that were finally in progress and moving much quicker than they had in the past. Chairman Paisley announced that what they have been calling the diversion center has been named. He reported that the Alamance Behavioral Health Center will soon have a ribbon cutting and be opened for clients. 


Commissioner Lashley, seconded by Vice-Chair Carter, moved to adjourn the meeting.  The motion carried unanimously.

There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 10:33 A.M.

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