Alamance County
Board of Commissioners

Commissioners' Meeting Room
124 West Elm Street
Graham, NC 27253







(Citizens may address the Board for no more than 3 minutes)

For a complete review of the Public Comment Policy, please click here:



Items listed under Consent are generally of a routine nature. The Board may take action to approve/disapprove all items in a single vote. Any item may be withheld from a general action, to be discussed and voted upon separately at the discretion of the Board.



Consideration of the appointment of Lindsay McKinney to the Library Committee as a representative of the City of Graham. Applications were received by 3 applicants: Lindsay McKinney, Ernest Lewis, and Morgan Robinson. The Graham City Council recommended Lindsay McKinney to fill this appointment.

Consideration of the appointment of Lee Isley to fill an unexpired term due to the resignation of a member who moved out of state.

Consideration of the appointment of Michael Hammond to the Tourism Development Authority (TDA) as a representative of the “hotel/motel operator industry” to fill an unexpired term.



The Board will consider approving and amending the General Fund to increase by $67,059, the American Rescue Plan Act Fund to increase by $865,726, and the County Renovations and Repair Fund to decrease by $5,062,000.

Request approval to designate $50,000.00 in the FY23-24 General Fund as part of closing the accounting records for the year-end audit. The funds would be designated for the specified ongoing projects that could not be completed before the fiscal year ended.

Review resolution authorizing the exchange of surplus property owned by The Alamance County Sheriff’s Office for full and fair consideration of the items being exchanged. The Alamance County Sheriff’s Office will receive, in return, new equipment specific to the law enforcement needs totaling the appraised value of the surplus property.

Regular Minutes of June 17, 2024

Closed Session Minutes of August 5, 2024





The Board will hear options for accommodating upcoming short-term space needs for the courts system.

The Board will consider approving the Needs-Based grant applications for roofing projects at South Mebane Elementary ($1,002,812.50 grant funds, $200,562.50 county match), Southern Middle ($480,000 grant funds, $120,000 county match) and Western High ($3,000.000 grant funds, $750,000 county match). The grant requires a 25% county match which will be met through current Capital Reserve and Bond Proceeds project allocations.

Due to the discovery of unsuitable roof decking materials, a change order for construction, design, and contract administration is necessary for the Graham Middle School roof project. Additional funding of $462,733.37 is needed. ABSS staff requests a budget amendment of $462,738 from the Southern High School roof project to the Graham Middle School roof project. The Southern High School roof project is under contract and is $992,235 under budget.  These projects are currently funded by bond proceeds.

Richard Shevlin, Vice-Chair of the ALCOVETS will be in attendance to provide an update on the balloon festival, improvements made to the park by ALCOVETS, and the economic benefits to the county.








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