Alamance County
Board of Commissioners

Commissioners' Meeting Room
124 West Elm Street
Graham, NC 27253







(Citizens may address the Board for no more than 3 minutes)

For a complete review of the Public Comment Policy, please click here:



Items listed under Consent are generally of a routine nature. The Board may take action to approve/disapprove all items in a single vote. Any item may be withheld from a general action, to be discussed and voted upon separately at the discretion of the Board.



Consideration of the appointment of Dr. Jolene Cannady to the Alamance County Senior Services Committee.

Consideration of the appointments of Byron Tucker (News Media Representative) and Kindra Bradley (Public at Large Representative) to the Local Emergency Planning Committee for Hazardous Chemicals.



The Board will consider approving and amending the General Fund to decrease by $394,388, the Grants Project Fund to increase by $462,109, the SCIF Grants Fund to increase by $10.89, and the Schools Capital Project Fund to decrease by $5,111.

Alamance Parks seeks permission to apply for – and if awarded, to budget for – a grant from the North Carolina Division of Parks & Recreation Recreational Trails Program for Phase 3 construction at Cane Creek Mountains Natural Area.

Seeking approval for a grant application for afterschool athletics for the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation. We are seeking a total of $47,600 over a 2 year period to initiate a pilot of the Afterschool Athletics Program. There is no county match.

Board will consider approval of a grant application to the North Carolina Department of Information Technology’s Digital Equity Champions Grant for up to $400,000 for the Alamance County Public Libraries (ACPL) to expand access and provide opportunities in digital literacy to Alamance County. No local match is required.

Regular Minutes of November 20, 2023; Regular Minutes of December 4, 2023; Regular Minutes of December 18, 2023; Special-Called Meeting Minutes of January 3, 2024; and Closed Session Minutes of Special-Called Meeting of January 3, 2024



Alamance County contracted with BakerTilly to conduct a market pay study of employee compensation.  One third of the organization’s positions (76 pay classifications) were analyzed from Detention, Emergency Medical Services, and Department of Social Services.  The findings of the Market Study are being presented by Sarah Towne, the consultant, and the Board is asked to consider taking action to implement the recommendations.




